I'm often amused over the hoopla about renewable, green, and sustainable stuff. It's become a media circus and consuming frenzy itself, has it not? Listen, I'm all for capitalism -obviously I'm a business woman- and I love that the consumer is demanding a market be made. I just want to speak of a quieter responsibility, mainly my own. I make everything here in Los Angeles, and I make it all within walking distance of my design studio. Why? Because I'm obsessive over my garments and must see them at all stages of the process, not responsible enough to work on long leads and ship back forth, and am honestly a bad driver so it has to be within the 4 blocks I walk. Also, I like to save the world.
Natural fibers, it's mainly what I use. My fabrics do not come from gigantic factories in the middle of Brazilian rainforests or crazy labs mixing chemicals making new fibers, they mostly come from worms and sheep. My worms are probably the same worms that made silk back in the Ming Dynasty! And the sheep, they aren't as munchy munchy as the fabled root eating alpacas and they just grow the hair, year after year. The same sheep. Seems sustainable to me. They say the use of wool dates back to 4000 BC, silk 2600 BC and linen 2000 BC! Check out my fabrics on the shopping cart that means people like me where dressing Abraham, Solomon and Jesus! Think about that while you brush your teeth...