Luckily my birthday this year coincided with the Jewish New Year. Shana Tova to you! And Yom Huledit to me! My Hebrew's rusty but an ex-pat friend of mine, Jill in Israel, just sent me the greetings... And because my bro and I have done some extensive research and are pretty sure of our Hebraic roots this makes a perfect time for me to assess. Some personal observations:
1. This was for sure the best year of my life for the following reasons:
JJ still loves me.
I've planted a garden.
I have a job and I like it.
I've hired Hilary.
I have great hair.
We live in Silverlake.
I've made new friends and kept the old!
2. Life is easier past your twenties for the following reasons.
You know what you're good at.
Other people know now too.
Things are not as personal.
But the good things are exceedingly personal.
3. Things I've learned this year, an abbreviated list.
Don't plant habanaro peppers in your garden.
People thrive in praise.
Everything works better if you admit you are blessed and that's probably why.
Fabrics and blending take time, time, time.
The Vogue offices don't look like the movies.
Buy art as soon as you can afford it.
P.S. If you don't get our emails we are offering a birthday discount from now til Sunday, just type happybirthday at checkout and it's 20% off. (I think... confirm with Hilary if it doesn't work.)