Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer reads?

My husband just emailed me asking if he could pick up a book for me to read while luxuriating. Luxury. So, what? It's hard to name a book, because if it's on your mind you've already read it. Any suggestions? For real?


  1. blue like jazz by donald miller; mark of the lion trilogy by francine rivers

    neither are new, but these are repeat-reads for me!

  2. Hi Heidi. So happy you get a vacation!! Much deserved.
    Recent reads. Not new but good.
    The Red Tent (so,so good)
    Three Cups of Tea
    The Kitchen God's Wife

  3. Fiction: The Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant---a beautiful and smart book that takes place in Florence during the Renaissance; and

    Non-fiction: Three Cups of Tea (I can't recall the author), but it's about mountaineer, Greg Mortensen, who made it his life's mission to build schools for girls in the most antagonistic, war-torn areas of the middle-east. Very inspiring!

  4. Life With Picasso - Francoise Gilot.

    Enjoy the vacation!

    georgia x
