Well, I'm looking a little rough (to borrow a word from my sister in law -Courtney) in this shot, but I can get over my personal issues to show you how sweet we are as a family. It's a very personal moment in a very public event, but this is my mom, my dad and me at the opening of the the new Channel Islands and Burton store on Melrose. It was a very big party but I didn't stay for the shenanigans, just my dads interviews et al. But the store is amazing, the boards look beautiful and it was a good representation of the world my folks created -the little surf shop I grew up in. I am very proud of them.
p.s. Dear man who took this photo and published it in Transworld, you said it was for your Christmas cards. Was that your Christmas card?
you DO have an adorable family and should be very proud. See you at the retreat??